The Road Less Traveled: Exploring the Advanced Features of Django 🌟

Django is a robust web framework that allows developers to build complex web applications with ease. However, many developers only scratch the surface of what Django has to offer, missing out on some of its most advanced features.

In this article, we will explore some of the top advanced Django features that you may need to be using.

1. Custom model fields

Django comes with a wide variety of built-in model fields, but sometimes you need to implement your own custom fields for specialized data types. That’s where custom model fields come in. You can write your own field that implements custom validation logic and integrates with Django’s ORM. For example, you could write a custom field that stores phone numbers as normalized strings:

from django.db import models
from phonenumbers import parse, format_number, PhoneNumberFormat

class PhoneNumberField(models.CharField):
  def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
    kwargs['max_length'] = 20
    super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
    def from_db_value(self, value, expression, connection):
      if value is None:
        return value
      return format_number(parse(value), PhoneNumberFormat.E164)

    def to_python(self, value):
      if value is None or isinstance(value, str):
        return value
      return format_number(value, PhoneNumberFormat.E164)

    def get_prep_value(self, value):
      return self.to_python(value)

You could then use this field in your models like any other field:

from django.db import models
from myapp.fields import PhoneNumberField

class Contact(models.Model):
  name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
  phone_number = PhoneNumberField()

2. Caching

Django provides a caching framework that allows you to cache the results of expensive database queries or other computations. This can significantly improve the performance of your application by reducing the number of times you need to perform those operations. For example, you could cache the results of a database query using the cache_page decorator:

from django.views.decorators.cache import cache_page
from myapp.models import Product

@cache_page(60 * 15) # Cache for 15 minutes
def get_products(request):
    products = Product.objects.all()
    return render(request, 'products.html', {'products': products})

This will cache the results of the get_products view for 15 minutes, so subsequent requests will be served from the cache rather than querying the database again.

3. Asynchronous views

Django supports asynchronous views using the async and await keywords in Python. This allows you to write non-blocking code that can handle many requests simultaneously, improving the performance of your application. For example, you could use the asyncio library to write an asynchronous view that fetches data from an external API:

import asyncio
import aiohttp
from django.http import JsonResponse

async def get_data(request):
  async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
    async with session.get('') as response:
      data = await response.json()
  return JsonResponse(data)

4. Query Expressions

Django’s query expressions allow you to perform complex database queries using simple syntax. You can use query expressions to perform aggregation, filtering, and annotation operations. For example, you could use a query expression to calculate the difference between two fields:

from django.db.models import F
from myapp.models import Product

Product.objects.annotate(price_diff=F('price') - F('cost'))

5. Database Optimization

Django offers several tools to help you optimize your database queries and make your application faster. Some of these tools include:

  1. Querysets: Querysets allow you to build complex queries in a chainable, object-oriented way. You can use query sets to filter, sort, and paginate your data.
  2. Select Related: The select_related method allows you to fetch related objects in a single database query, rather than making multiple queries.
  3. Prefetch Related: The prefetch_related method allows you to fetch related objects in a separate query, allowing you to avoid the N+1 query problem.

6. Custom Manager

Django’s model manager is a powerful tool that allows you to encapsulate query logic within a model. However, you can also create custom managers to encapsulate more complex query logic. For example, you could create a manager that fetches all objects that have been updated within the last 24 hours:

from django.db import models
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

class UpdatedWithinManager(models.Manager):
  def get_queryset(self):
    return super().get_queryset().filter( - timedelta(hours=24))

7. PostgreSQL-specific features

Django supports a variety of databases, but its support for PostgreSQL is especially robust. PostgreSQL offers many features that can help you optimize your database queries and make your application faster. Some of the PostgreSQL-specific features that you can use with Django include:

  1. Window Functions: Window functions allow you to perform calculations across rows of a table, allowing you to do things like calculate running totals or moving averages.
  2. Full-Text Search: PostgreSQL’s full-text search allows you to search for words or phrases within a document, even if they are not exact matches.
  3. JSONB Fields: JSONB fields allow you to store JSON data in a PostgreSQL database and perform queries on that data.

8. Content Types

Django’s content types framework allows you to create generic relationships between models. This can be especially useful when you have a model that can be related to multiple other models. For example, you could create a model that represents a comment, and use content types to allow comments to be associated with any model in your application.

from django.contrib.contenttypes.fields import GenericForeignKey
from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType

class Comment(models.Model):
  content_type = models.ForeignKey(ContentType, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
  object_id = models.PositiveIntegerField()
  content_object = GenericForeignKey('content_type', 'object_id')
  text = models.TextField()

9. Custom management commands

Django comes with a powerful command-line interface for managing your application, but sometimes you need to perform more complex tasks than the built-in commands allow. That’s where custom management commands come in. You can write your own commands that perform custom logic and can be executed from the command line. For example, you could write a command that deletes all expired user accounts:

from import BaseCommand
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from datetime import datetime

class Command(BaseCommand):
  help = 'Deletes all expired user accounts'
  def handle(self, *args, **options):
    now =
    expired_users = User.objects.filter(last_login__lt=now)
    self.stdout.write('Deleted {len(expired_users)} expired users.'))

10. Custom authentication backends

Django comes with several built-in authentication backends, but sometimes you need to implement your own custom authentication logic. That’s where custom authentication backends come in. You can write your own authentication backend that implements custom authentication logic and integrates with Django’s authentication framework. For example, you could write an authentication backend that allows users to log in with their email address instead of their username:

from django.contrib.auth.backends import BaseBackend
from django.contrib.auth.models import User

class EmailBackend(BaseBackend):
  def authenticate(self, request, email=None, password=None, **kwargs):
      user = User.objects.get(email=email)
    except User.DoesNotExist:
      return None

    if user.check_password(password):
      return user

  def get_user(self, user_id):
      return User.objects.get(pk=user_id)
    except User.DoesNotExist:
      return None

You could then add this backend to your AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS setting in to enable it:


In conclusion, Django is a powerful web framework that offers a wide range of advanced features that can help you optimize your web application and improve its performance. By taking advantage of these features, you can create complex applications that can handle large amounts of traffic and data. From custom model fields to custom authentication backends, Django offers a variety of tools that can help you build a robust and efficient web application. So, take the road less traveled and explore these advanced features to take your Django development skills to the next level.